"Grow a Spine, you Coward..."
A commenter on Fr. Weedon’s post from today: “Weimarische Bibel-Werke” apparently disagreed with Weedon’s conclusions, and expressed himself by making a statement about children being sexually mutilated (which is not the topic of the post), and concluding by saying:
“Grow a spine, you coward.””
Of course, I didn’t publish the comment, because it is of the “no value added” variety, expressing nothing other than an ad hominem. But what is noteworthy is the delicious irony that Fr. Weedon had the spine to put his name on his post, while “C” is hiding behind the veil of anonymity. If “C” is a man, it is rather unmanly to be veiled by anonymity while calling another man a coward. Maybe his boyfriend will buy him a mantilla for Christmas.
At any rate, it looks like three fingers are pointing right back at you, Mr. C(oward).